Synthetic Division Tool

Enter the values of the root by which you are dividing and the coefficients of your polynomial into their respective input fields. After that, press enter to get your result.

This tool will only accept equations that have a degree of 4 or lower.

Any equations with non-integer coefficients will have inaccurate results.

However, it is fine to have a non-integer Root Value.

To dispell any confusion as to the meaning of the Root Value, allow me to provide you with an example. The Root Value is the x-value which is being tested to see whether or not it is a zero of the equation. If the Root Value equals 1, then the x-value that you are testing is 1. When you foil it out, you would use the following term with which to multiply: (x-1).

Root Value:           

x4 coefficient:       

x3 coefficient:       

x2 coefficient:       

Linear coefficient:

